It is no secret that article marketing has been around as long as the internet. If you structure your article correctly, it is one of the best ways of generating free organic traffic. This works for internet marketing, network marketing and affiliate marketing.
Below are the article marketing tips which are going to ensure your success.
1. Your article should be split into sections to get the best results.
• Introduce your reader to the benefits or problems the article is going to tackle.
• Tell your reader a little about the subject you are talking about.
• List the relevant points you want to discuss and write a short paragraph on each.
• You will finish your article with a strong call to action and let your reader know what to do next.
2. A good article will have between 400 and 600 words. You want to keep your readers interested and give them good quality content.
3. Use your keyword 3 times. If you enter your keyword in the Google keyword tool, you will find a list of other words. The first 4 or 5 of these are LSI words. You will want to use these words during the writing process, but do not over do this. Google like to see these words but use sparingly.
4. If you are writing for an article directory, do not post on your blog. Keep your blog for original information. You do not want to be creating duplicate content. I can not stress this enough, create separate content for the directories and your blog post.
5. When writing for your blog post always use a relevant picture. You will be amazed by the amount of people who will click on it.
6. You will want to link your picture to a capture or squeeze page. You may also want a link it to your blog, but the rule of thumb suggests you will get a better response off your capture or squeeze pages.
7. The final tip is, have a strong call to action. Let your reader know what you would like them to do next.
There you have it 7 article marketing tips that should get you moving in the right direction. Don't be shy when it comes to writing. Just get straight on the horse and you will have it mastered in a few weeks.
To learn how to generate free organic traffic from your article marketing and which social media platforms will help you to attain this. Just click on the link below.
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