Not long ago, someone asked me why I started writing articles, and I got to thinking about this, and the answer is something I'd like to share with the world because it occurred to me that there may be others out there who might also want to share information, observations, travel stories, knowledge, or wisdom too. Anyway, let's discuss this shall we?
Personally, the reason I started writing articles was that it appeared to me that the best way to reach people is to write short articles, you see, I had written a number of essays many of them over 10 pages and far too comprehensive. I found that people just didn't read them.
Before I retired, when I was running my franchise company - many of our franchisees wouldn't read the manual, and often called me with questions when all the answers were already there for them, but they never bothered to take the time to read it. I guess that is why teachers get upset with their students. It's amazing that someone would buy a $20,000 franchise from us, and invest over $150,000 in equipment and then not read the manual, but that's the reality.
Knowing this, and knowing that we have a new generation of folks with attention span of about 17 seconds or they click out, I realized that I have to write articles that people can read in about 3 to 5 min., and unless the articles good, they click out. And they never get down to the bottom of the article to read the bio and link to come visit my website. Okay so, the article writing venue was a chance to give information.
My aim is to get information out to the world in a format that people are willing to receive, and able to receive considering many people are ADHD, or have the attention span of a gnat. Also, I was invited by an article directory in an e-mail newsletter to come write articles and post them online. Actually, I don't really find most writers per se to be of my same thinking. It seems to me that a good many writers are manic depressed, a little too persnickety, and many haven't achieved very much in the real world.
For me I wasn't a writer, but I did have something to say, maybe you do too? Why not say it by writing articles. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this.
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